Facilitator and soul guide

Aina Greta is certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Soul coach, and Facilitator and Guide of Soul and Shakti Workshops and Courses.

As Soul Coach Aina guides you directly in a one on one tailor made life changing adventure enabling and empowering you to fully live in the freedom of your authentic essence.

In the workshops and 6-month online courses she holds and guides you in a group container with fellow companions honestly and authentically sharing day by day what arises in this profound journey of being a soul human.

Aina’s Journey

Every human soul is called sooner or later to its hero adventure.

I was living a neat 3D comfort life with all the traditional pillars for ‘happiness’ in place. I was a thriving successful business manager in HR, stable relationship and comfortable in the house I owned. I was a successful citizen in society. I passed the test of fitting in, having my place and usefulness in an abundant way. I had arrived.

And then life’s tsunami crashed! My neatly built pillars crumbled all at the same time: heading for a professional burn out, my partner cheating on me and my house collapsing in the renovation works.

There was no longer any comfort place to run to and hide in. If my life was not about this striving for 3D comfort, perfection and promises of ‘happiness’ … what was I still trying to prove? What was it that I truly, deeply wanted, if it was not following what others told me that would make me happy? There was no answer. I all my efforts and strive to create a comfortable socially acceptable 3D life, I had totally forgotten what I deeply desire, what makes my soul sing, what really fulfills me.

It became so clear: I had to go on an inner journey to uncover again the deep voice in my heart and soul. My own hearts voice that I had abandoned. I felt so lost, going back was not an option. I could only move forward yet no direction, no clarity, no purpose, no reference, no control … a profound unknown. In that moment, a deep request for help rose up in my heart soul reaching out as in a deep prayer, surrendering and accepting my lostness and asking for help, to be guided in what my life truly is, in who I am.

This was the start of my absolute, resolute, following and trusting my souls journey.

Despite the fear of not knowing and not being in control, choosing to surrender and trust life. To let all the old constructs go, not even trying to build up from the ruins, but resolutely, start over from scratch. No longer building on the multiple purpose roles and personalities I was living to keep this void hidden (business manager, yoga teacher, tango dancer, partner, house owner, social friend, garden lover, cook). They were all stripped bare, and all the ways to dress them in 3D shape.

Over a period of 9 months I let it all go, ended the 3D job, got rid of my stuff, sold the house. I packed 45 years of my life in 2 suitcases and kept some cash that I felt would sustain me for 2 years in my heart-soul uncovering mission. I felt this profound trust that in 2 years’ time, I would be doing, living what fulfilled my soul and receive abundance through it.

And so, it happened!

So, I set off on my journey, and it felt as going on this big quest, my own adventure of Life. Going where I did not venture before. More stripping happened, now from within, my fearful beliefs, my stuffed down emotions, my careful built up protections around my heart, my judgements, …

Reflected in my outer journey of traveling around the world, meeting fellow soul-searching companions and guides, invitations to explore pieces of paradise on our beautiful planet.

As I surrendered more and more to my souls call to fully live, miracles and synchronicities happened and I am free to fully engage step after step. A red carpet rolled out and all I have to do, is walk that next step. No clue where the red carpet is going, but growing trust, sovereignty and freedom to choose my actions that will create more love and truth.

Within less then 2 years of this journey, people would come up to me and ask me to share how to make such a radical change. In sharing my journey and the tools applied, abundance manifested.

And the adventure continues! The adventure of life on earth lasts a life-time of ever growing and unfolding. I know now that my deepest soul desire is to live Love, to embody love in all I AM.  This is a work in progress. Including my soul, mind, body and all the lived wisdom that I discovered propels me step by step in an accelerated pace, more living each day, in truthful Joy and deep soul fulfilment.

Looking back, it may seem radical, utterly courageous and brave yet if I had not followed the call of my soul, the pain of betraying myself would be unbearable. I had no other choice then pick myself up with a handful of courage to follow my deepest desire, and devote all of me to it. It has not been an easy journey, I passed through many dark nights of my soul in doubt and despair … yet in the moments of deepest despair, hitting rock bottom, I feel so held and supported to move forward again and again. Nothing truly is impossible.

I am fully dedicated to serve and guide any soul desiring to embark on a healing, opening journey towards Love. I share from my own lived experience, holding a safe and loving container in which all that is not love can arise, be felt, released, embraced and brought back into love.

I am available for one on one support, for transmissions, to facilitate a workshop in your area or to guide you in an online course.

Click here to get in touch

People who worked with Aina testify:

„Aina is like a passionate voice of love that is loudest when it’s darkest. What I sensed in her soul since I first met her, but didn‘t quite have words for then, is a deep, innocent, wild trust in Love. It is like that of a child, yet not naive but rooted in embodied wisdom of her intimate knowing and recognition of Love’s Laws. She models that lovingly and generously to all those who come to her so they can find it in themselves. She held a clear, caring space for me to enter into the depths of my soul, and taught me surrender in the only place where I could truly learn that - in the parts of my soul that were contracted, trapped in feelings of separation, in resistance to opening to the flow of love. She showed me how to allow Love directly into those places. Through those openings I experienced for the first time what it feels like to have a part of my soul imprinted by Love. Deeper desire emerged in me, it felt like I suddenly became aware of how thirsty I am and I finally knew what I am thirsty for. I have been following the pull of this holy desire ever since and it keeps on profoundly changing me and my life, bringing me deeper into my purpose and my place in this world and allowing me to know and experience more and more the depth of Love. Dear Aina, I am deeply grateful for your service and your love!“ A.B. Germany

"Aina has a truly loving presence. I have found her wealth of experience and ability to hold one in love when in need is truly beautiful. Aina can feel just what you need in the moment and is amazing at communicating this so deeply. She is so inspiring and gets so much joy from guiding others to deeper realizations. She gives her all and is totally there for you in every way. Thank you for being there for me Aina!"  J.W. Australia

“Aina is an impeccable guide of the soul. She has a refined capacity to reveal and unravel the wounds held at the depth of our soul that open us into the true knowing of unconditional love. She has a pure and loving presence that enables a deep sense of safety. Her passion for Love is palpable and contagious. Her engaged joy and playfulness bring lightness to the heavy lifting of soul healing.” K.Z. USA

“Working with Aina brought many aspects to light which I was afraid to recognize, name and deal with. In her loving and very precious way she supported me to bring these aspects back into love. I really recommend her as a guide, because there is a deep felt purity and trust allowing all that you are to be there. I deeply trust her to go to the places I am most scared off. She has this gift of guiding you into allowing Love.” F.S. Argentina

“Working with Aina Greta has opened deeper trust in me and I am able to drop layers of resistance. I am grateful for the way she has been and is present, her receptivity and unconditional support. Her embrace and insights offered me the opening to experience myself more deeply in a grounded, open way which has always supported my journey. Thank you Aina.” T.B. Australia