The 5 indispensable qualities for the soul's journey are Desire, Devotion, Discipline, Discernment and Dedication!
We all possess these qualities. Yet how do we apply them if it comes to putting our soul first and living fully? It is important to grow and strengthen these qualities to overcome the resistances to those parts in us that are still hanging out in the back and not willing to fully participate and align with our soul.
If you lack Desire, breathe into your heart and ask your soul to help you to honor it. Ask your soul what it deeply desires?
If you lack Devotion, feel into how devoted you are to your comfort and ask if this is worth more to you then devotion to your soul.
If you lack Discipline, use your will-power to say no to your laziness and do that what you resist.
If you lack Discernment, ask your heart soul what choice will truly make you grow the most in love in this moment.
If you lack Dedication, ask and feel in your heart soul what you dedicate your life to in this moment ... and if you want to continue to do so? Ask your heart/soul where your true dedication lies. And what would need to happen to take action to support this?
Your soul will always respond in a felt way to this.
Desire is the driving force that directs all our focus, energy, opportunities and synchronicities into manifestation, change and growth. Knowing what we desire ignites and sparks all that needs to happen to bring it to life.
This knowing is not just a mental idea of what we want, nor a finite plan with a predictable outcome.
Desire is a felt knowing of what we want: aligned with our deepest longing in our soul. This feeling knowing becomes the fuel, a burning flame arising from our deepest core, propelling and impelling us to move, overcoming all obstacles and fears.
What am I here for? What is the meaning of my life? What really fulfils me?
Ultimately the deepest longing and desire is Love, yet this might also be what we fear the most.
Focussing on and being really honest with the soul, implies being present with the soul, wanting to know our very own unique essence in all its aspects and fully.
How much do I want to know my soul? How much do I want to express what lives here? How much do I want to move from here? How much in the life I live now is a reflection of this? How much do I love myself, my soul and my unique expression? Where can I allow more love for myself, my soul and my unique expression?
Being really honest with this may bring up a felt knowing of what we do not desire and that is great! It shows exactly where to direct our presence and action to change.
In our soul’s journey, this is an ongoing movement of stripping away, owning and growing from what we do not desire yet still engage with, into what we truly desire.
Devotion is a driving force; it is our natural quality to channel our energy to what we want to live and experience. What we are devoted to will direct our energy to this outcome. Devotion is a driving force that overcomes anything that stands in its way. Devotion does not care about the effort it takes, the amount of work and energy that needs to be put into.
Devotion becomes our subconscious programming that runs our actions and our lives. Everything within us will align with that what we are devoted to, excluding and overriding other desires that that are not the focus of our devotion.
Becoming aware of the quality of devotion is very important. When we bring into our awareness what we truly are devoted to, we will have a deeper understanding of how our subconscious programs play out.
If our devotion is aligned with our deepest soul desires, then all within us and the forces of love and life themselves will fully support us to bring this into manifestation.
If our devotion is aligned with our subconscious wounds, then that is what will manifest and everything in us with try to fulfill and cope our needs.
When we know what we are devoted to, we truly start to empower ourselves to bring forth the change that we crave.
When we are devoted to fully living from the soul, then all our life force will be directed towards this. Our law of attraction and synchronicities will start to unfold creating more and more opportunities and support for our Soul Journey.
Ask yourself in all honesty: what am I truly devoted to? Where is most of my energy and life force directed towards? How much of this supports my soul growth? Do I neglect my soul by being overly devoted to my children, parents, partner, job, appearance, reputation, image …? How much do I devote to loving myself first?
The purpose of this honest exploration is to allow yourself to refocus and align your devotion to what you desire from your soul.
When we feel reluctance and resistance, these are the parts to support and bring under the governing of our soul desire, our inner adult parent to give these rebellious parts the encouragement, guidance and where needed firm direction to contribute.
Discipline means effort. Discipline asks the adult to take action, not once or occasionally but systematically and consistently. Without effort, directing of life-force, nothing can manifest.
Discipline involves will power. Discipline is not a punishment, it is an attribute, a quality that makes one stand out. Stand out in ones own freedom and being in charge for ones own life and soul.
It takes discipline to change old habits. It takes discipline to move from survival into fully living. It takes discipline to own every opportunity to grow in love. It takes discipline to listen more and more carefully to the whispers of our soul. Discipline is ruthless and straight forward: one is disciplined or not … there is no in between.
Discipline is rewarding, always … even more so when it is aligned with the soul. Discipline enables growth and mastery in what we did not embody before.
In the areas where you lack discipline, start to become aware of the beliefs, patterns, habits, feelings that stem from the resistance and reluctance. Listen critically with your heart/soul what this does with and for you?
Do you want to continue this? How does this make you feel? Is this what you deserve? What do you really want here?
Is this worth the effort?
Can you engage yourself now in what you resisted before? Or is there something else that it wants or needs? Can you give this to yourself? …
Can you make an agreement with yourself you will stick to?
Make it concrete and do it today, or first thing tomorrow.
Take one day at the time, every day.
Add gratitude for this and commit again and again, one day at the time.
Discernment is the ability to make the right choices. Discernment involves wisdom. Discernment is the quality for direction that unites heart and mind. From discernment you act, move in the direction of your desire, devotion, put effort in your discipline and dedication.
Discernment is the instrument for manifestation in alignment with your focus. Weather that is your soul alignment or shadow alignment.
Discernment is making deliberate choices accepting the consequences that sprout forth from them. It is the willingness to take risks into what you have been avoiding before … to explore something you do not know yet, as every outcome of any choice may lead to a new experience.
Discernment is different from judgement. Judgement is the mental classification in good or bad, positive or negative and limits trying to exclude and separate out the unlikeable. Discernment includes the unlikeable and moves beyond this barrier.
When you align your ability for discernment with your true deep soul desire for love, you develop more and more of this indispensable quality.
Discernment takes exercise. Practice to move beyond the mere judgement, with the willingness to inquire not just the thoughts yet also the feelings involved with the choice to make. Here you see that your whole being is included in discernment. Through discernment we learn more about ourselves every time we apply this quality.
When in peril about a choice or decision to make, include what you feel, become aware of the dread and resistance arising about making this choice or decision. Be willing and humble to feel the treat of fear that is making it hard. Address this part of you, sit with it, dialogue with it, give it what it needs from you and then involve it in the process of discernment to come to the right choice/decision for you in the moment.
Discernment is a force of love in action; where wisdom, heart and mind empower you to own your life choices and direct you in expression and full manifestation of your soul essence.
Dedication is the ability to move our energy and action to that what we are devoted to. Dedication is the mental strength to overcome resistances and fear. It goes hand in hand with discipline. Yet dedication involves very much the heart, as where discipline needs the will force of the mind.
Dedication is fuelled by passion and the soul’s desires. Dedication directs effortlessly our life-force to what it is passionate about. With the quality of dedication, it becomes easier to overcome the densities and immobility of resistance. With dedication, you side skip resistance. The resistance can be there, yet with dedication the fire of desire is stronger and moving you forward into what is truly important from the soul’s perspective. You persevere.
Synonyms for dedication are: commitment, wholeheartedness, enthusiasm, zeal, diligence, resoluteness, purposefulness, perseverance, persistence, drive, backbone, tenacity, conscientiousness, labour, hard work, effort, striving, loyalty, …
When you commit wholeheartedly to be resolutely loyal to the unveiling and manifestation of your soul essence, no force can stop you. Here is a purpose worth living! And all that stands in the way will arise to be seen, healed and included.
So, ask yourself in all sincerity, what you are dedicated to in your life right now?
Feel how much of this involves the unveiling and manifesting of your soul essence and what is directed towards the comforting of your wounded needs. Allow this little exercise to dissolve and resolve your wounded needs as they show up, so these parts can integrate beyond their basic (childish) state, into maturity and contribution to your dedication to be all you are.