Here is what participants share about the intensive:

‘After a lifetime of searching, this has been like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert. It provides the understanding, the insight and the practices - unique to this course - that enable anyone who truly so desires to dive into their limitations, and begin to release them . . . forever. In the process each person starts to develop an increasingly close and personal relationship with God, based not on belief or dogma but on simple, direct experience. The rewards are huge, life-changing and irreversible.’ DH

ʹThe Intensive has its name for a reason. It is Intensive and it is Transformative!ʹ MJM

‘Each new discovery brings with it a new unfolding. I am returning to myself and all that has been waiting for me.’ VK

'The Intensive is for you if you are a true seeker of REAL Soul growth, and want an intimate relationship with your One True Divine Creator, and are willing to go REALLY deep within. You must be capable of stepping up, utilizing the tools and amazingly supportive group and teachings, and then you will succeed in genuine transformative awakening to your Divine Self. This is all about feeling and releasing to allow healing from the SOUL level, entering into more Love and Truth in an environment of Love and soulful guidance that is unparalleled.ʹ BJ

ʹFrom my experience, The Intensive is one of the most profound and powerful vehicles for transformation that is being offered today. I have explored many different pathways and teachers for over 40 years and — in terms of soul growth — nothing I have done remotely compares with this. For the first time in my life, I now have glimpses of what it truly means to experience directly the Love of God. Each teaching module has been woven together with intricate mastery - a combination of guided vizualisations, meditations, physical practices, prayers, along with inspirational teachings. No detail has been overlooked and nothing has been left out. The teaching, combined with the tireless support and total dedication of Aina, results in a magical alchemy. This course is not for the fainthearted. You will be challenged at the depths of your being. You will have to look at yourself, and take full responsibility for everything that you are and ever have been — but this is the only way that transformation can truly take place. At the same time, you will be led gently by the hand into realms of Sacred Love, Sacred Union and Intimacy, that you would never have dreamed possible. This intensive is Divine Love in action.’ EH

‘I have been in a comfort blanket of ‘angelic’ love, healing my soul, or so I thought. Well, now I know I have been pissing around for 20 years in my comfort zone! Starting the course in ignorant bliss, well, what a wake up call. It is tough, but I have truly and deeply healed so many soul wounds, and broken down a heart hard with self-reliance. I know fully and truly self-love. I am establishing a relationship with God. What healing, what love awaits you!’ RP

‘The changes that have already taken place within are profound, everything is being shaken for the better, feeling freedom and taking off the armour. This course is beyond words. HUGE amounts of LOVE flow from my heart... BOOM... An explosion of pure brilliance! Thank you beloved MotherFather God.’ TFB

‘If you choose to allow it, the depth and breadth of the 7 month intensive seeps into every crevice in body, mind, soul; leaving you changed and relating to everything around you differently, more openly, allowing true vulnerability alongside my unfolding feminine power.’ VK

‘The sharing, with amazing honesty and humility, by the group has been invaluable. The love from the group and Beloved Mother Father God is unceasing and healing.’ MG.

'Everything received and offered has had a profoundly positive and effective healing for both myself and others in the group.' KE.

‘Throughout the course an incredible bond of trust and support develops within the group. To participate fully requires a high level of commitment, self-honesty, humility and courage.’ DH

'Do it, but don't expect not to change radically in the process.' JF

'Through discovering your own authentic self, truths and passions and own never-seen before spirit and soul, profound healing occurs on all levels as you collect and gather your fragmented self. This guidance and journey is real; exploring depths beyond understanding.’ AC