Soul Activation
Our soul is our deepest living essence. The driving force for all that happens in our lives. As we truly start living from our soul big shift and changes happen in accelerated pace.
The soul expresses through feelings and experiences that translate in emotions, thoughts, persona, beliefs, patterns all pointing to our deepest soul desire: give and receive love.
Whether we are conscious or not, our soul and our essence driven mechanisms are what moves us for this unique love purpose. Whether we experience love or its opposite not-love, it is divinely orchestrated to lead to love. The soul is the compass that seeks out truth of love and its opposite, inviting us to learn from the experience of not-love and its consequences so we can bring it into love.
No matter how many ways we try to skip the felt consequences in the experiences of not-love, our soul is relentless in uncovering the truth of love. Patiently inviting us in every moment to become aware of what is happening under the surface, inside of us, right down into our core.
In our modern day to day life there is very little attention, education and guidance that reminds us of our tremendous powerful driving force of the soul. So, we keep on surviving, coping, adjusting to what is coming to us from outside, lacking the ability to feel truly free nor empowered to live the deepest fulfillment that stems from love.
When we activate our soul to come to the foreground and become the conscious driving force for our lives, our whole system trembles in its fundaments. Leaving no place for comfort zones, survival, old references, patterns, identifications or victimizing. Once we choose to activate our soul into our awareness, there is no way back. At first, we may be stunned, weighted down, paralyzed, anxious and overwhelmed by the immediate truth that comes to the surface of how we have been drudging our survival in suffering.
This stunning fact which we can no longer deny or swipe under the carpet propels us to do something about it. From this point on, life truly becomes an amazing adventure seen through the eyes of our soul. For this adventure, we will attract through resonance more synchronous events and people in our lives that guide us into our next step into love.
Activate your soul and ask yourself these questions in all honesty … feel what happens:
What am I devoted to in life?
For what comes discipline easy?
What am I dedicated to?
What is my deepest desire? What do I really want?
Can I discern or do I feel subject to my circumstances?