The Seven Gates: Journey in Womb Consciousness

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The Seven Gates: Journey in Womb consciousness

Deep intimate journey into Embodying the Divine Feminine

The Seven Gates of Shakti flow to the Womb of all life. From Her, all energy, power and dynamic creativity flow. She is the living force underlying all existence, the energising force of life in every being. She lives within you, ready to be further awakened and enlivened.

Shakti is a combination of soft magnetism and love wed with dynamic creative power and light. This allows us to fully give and receive love from sovereignty. Most of us have relied more on one of these aspects, bringing us out of balance with our soul purpose, evolutionary growth, intimate relationships and our embodiment of love.

When the Gates and womb receives consistent attention, nurturance, and unconditional love, the womb starts to stir, flower, and come alive, beginning to attune to its vastness.

The Seven Gates hold many qualities of love, wisdom, sovereignty and pure feeling. They are initiations both man and woman move through in the journey into embodiment of the soul. This Journey is what Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, amongst other couples, have done to embody their souls, and God, here on earth.

God, Divine lives in the bedroom, completing the Holy Trinity here on earth. Purity is a turn on for the soul, and the bliss of beauty happens when two souls are engaged in holy desire for Union with Self and with Divine.


The Seven Gates

Praise and Appreciation, Trust and Safety, Honouring your Sanctity and the Souls Welcome is the opening of the First Gate, the lips of the yoni, the royal road to the womb grail. In being praised and adored the yoni opens, just as when God is appreciated and adored, so She too opens to you.

Vitality, strength, Gratitude in fully giving and receiving love all occur as the Second Gate of Gratitude, Joy and Vitality opens and blooms.

The Beauty of Purity in the Third Gate brings new pleasure, enjoyment, the IMMEDIACY of the moment, and a freedom to be yourself, magnetically and vibrantly, with Grace.

The Fourth Gate involves both sides of us, light and dark, male and female, electric and magnetic, light and dark, meeting. In this meeting, many sides of a man and woman are seen, like a coin spinning around itself. A great surrender of release, a deeper sovereignty of soul, an inner stillness, a new humility, a true owning of yourself, happens. This is a deep heart opening and revelation of yourself to another, and the full embrace of yours, and the others, shadow, bringing forth a foundation of deep trust and a felt, magnetic, embodied sovereignty within you.

The Fifth Gate of Union opens when you enter Womb Space and dynamically integrate your inner male and female in Union.

The Sixth Gate brings a deeper communion with Gaia and Galactic Centre from having let go of your previous self identity and reference points which you used to navigate your way though life. This initiation is accessed through the Core of the Earth, which leads into Galactic Centre.

The Seventh Gate is cosmic consciousness, merging with the Womb of Creation inside you and in the universe as one and the same consciousness. It can lead to the full embodiment of the pure soul on earth in the physical body, and total Communion with God.

Course Unfolding

6 month online course with daily practices in your own sacred space, weekly zoom call, e-mail sharing and supportive zoom session where needed.

Prerequisite for this course is the Soul and Shakti Initiation Journey

Contact Aina for all info

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