Placenta - Umbilical Healing Transmission
The placenta is the first mother to each of us. It is our first connection and interface to the 3D world, and is our first nourisher, supporter, and companion. It feeds us, and is there for us, providing all we need to survive, to grow, and to be born. It is our sustainer and protector, our first love, the first experience of unconditional love we receive, and the twin with us in the womb.
The placenta is our first guardian, and protector. What consequences arise when we are separated from it? Could it be our first trauma, and separation? When our umbilical cord is prematurely cut, we are separated from our life-force and soul connection, still pulsing through the cord connecting us to our first mother. And this separation creates fear, borne out of disrespect, ignorance and contempt for the deeper connection between life, love, mother and child.
The loss, abandonment, and grief that we can experience in our unformed minds and bodies as we enter this world brutally and prematurely cut off from the nurturing, unconditionally loving envelope of the placenta in the womb is a huge conditioning and loss for us that can affect our lives. We actually experience these emotions for the first time in the body in this action of cutting off of placenta cords, for before this we, placenta, womb and mother were one. It is our first separation in this world.
The placenta also holds an aspect of our twin soul or divine double connection, for the first experience we have on the earth plane of our twin soul is the placenta in the womb that we first bonded with. When the trauma of this separation is healed, we can deeply relax and let go, as we find this connection within ourselves, and no longer feel so drawn to finding it outside. We feel our own source of nourishment and deep inner peace, comfort, and contentment that we may look outside for, in intimate relationship within us.
We no longer feel the desperate need for another, to find ourselves in somebody outside of our own self. This allows us to engage in life with a new sense of freedom, peace, and balance found from healing your inner loss at this deep separation.