Karmic knots are causes of many, but not all, karmic issues. Whilst some of them are situated in the spine, others are situated in the brain or held in the many different energy bodies. Our karmic knots are the reason we do reincarnate from lifetime to lifetime, as they carry the seed of lessons still to learn.
Emanating out from each karmic knot are patterns which are held in the physical, emotional, mental, and energy bodies. Each karmic knot is a 'seed,' from which the 'tree' of karma arises. Most spiritual work on the path is based on cutting, one by one, the branches of this tree until we reach the seed. At this point, the energy from transmission can help push you to dissolve the final residue of specific karmic issues. This liberated energy, once released, can then provide further 'fuel' to help you to resolve your other karmic issues.
Aina cannot make you learn the lesson, that is your life's journey. Aina can help you to complete certain issues when you have learnt enough, and are open to complete the issue to allow you to move on.
All karmic issues resolve when all 22 aspects of your light-bodies coagulate and descend into your physical body, providing a union of male and female energies. This can be realized through the perfect balance of male and female energies in reaching this state.
Having an unbalanced male or female approach will not complete all karmas, and not all karmas are held solely in the spine. Some karmas can only be lived into, and cannot be dissolved solely through energy work. To put it in another way, the Hawkins Scale puts awakening at 700. It is here and beyond where there is no more karmas, and no more knots.
Receiving the Karmic Knots Healing first, before any other transmission, is recommended. Receiving the Karmic Knots Healing, first, allows other transmissions to be received more deeply and thus more effectively.