Four Baskets Healing Transmission


As you prepare yourself for this transmission, read feeling wise through the four baskets. Feel what resonates with you, which qualities from the 4th basket are you missing in your life, and which ones you would like to amplify and embody. Ask in your specific prayer for support for embodiment of those qualities more from this transmission on.


The Four Baskets

When you are borne, there are four stages to your emerging out from the womb into this world. These four stages of growth that all humans journey through become four underlying psychological and behaviour patterns of how you act, feel, and think throughout your whole life. Until you have resolved them, you are still a child waiting to become an adult.

These four baskets, or four stages of the birth journey, are the different phases which the fetus develops in, and then travels throughout the labour process into this world. These four are lived experiences and wounds that design much of who, and what we are. Your whole life is influenced by the choices and decisions about how to be in life that come forth from these nine months. Understanding, addressing and dissolving many of these decisions and patterns of behaviour provide answers to deep seated and nagging questions like ‘why does this happen?’ and ‘why do I act like this?’

These deep programs keep you bound, running your life like a tape continuously repeating itself in a feedback loop, keeping you stuck in the same pattern over, and over, again. To know these underlying wounds are there is the first step. For them to be healed and dissolved is the next.

Your lifeline, death-line, and birth-line all change when the Four Baskets are healed. It is like an underlying pattern or cause gets seen, and wiped out. Depending on which stage or Basket you are in, and how much energy and effort you put into the task, it can happen quite quickly. The Key is to approach it on many levels, both with breath, inquiry, light and womb healing all working together.


First Basket

As labour commences, and as the fetus moves, it starts to feel tired, wanting to come out but not able to, creating a feeling of helplessness and frustration. The baby cannot do anything. It is being subjected to a lot of changes, expansions, and contractions in the womb. The walls close in with great discomfort and tightness, and it would like to come out but nothing is possible. There is no way out.

A First Basket person has no drive, no motivation, and little to no life force in achieving anything in life. They have no real energy or joy, and have little faith in themselves, or in life in general. They have feelings of no progress, inertness, lethargy and sloth, sitting here but not actually being here. Everything is happening around them, but not to them.

‘Why am I here?’ is the question of the static first basket person. They never finish projects, giving up halfway through: nothing gets completed as too many obstacles, resistances and failures happen. They simply become overwhelmed by the unfairness of life, and think life has it in for them. They can actually feel this force of resistance against them, conniving against them in a wall of resistance to all the try to do, be it in events, circumstances, environments or people.

Bad luck is a constant. Rejections and failures are the norm, they never pass the grade, and never get the job. They have low self-esteem, feeling guilty and shameful for their sloth, and never realising what it is they are trying to break down. They never want to raise their head up, for fear of it being pushed back down again. Life is a cruel hard place, and God is a cruel hard being for the First Basket person, who often resorts to drink and drugs to mask their powerlessness. Guilt and shame are also prevalent.


Second Basket

The womb has become unbearable now in the second phase of birthing. As the baby struggles anxiously to come out, it is being pushed in and out, back and forth towards its feeling of freedom. Then delivery begins! There is hope. Now I can come out, the sense of I can do something, but still, it will not happen.

Somebody who is stuck in the Second Basket feels helpless. In taking up a career and in relationships they are stuck, not feeling that they get the love or attention they want, but they just do not know how to express or attain it, as it gets stuck within them. Everything is middle of the line, middle of the road, average, the same as everyone else. They do not really want or wish for anything else, and will settle with what they have or what they are told to do.

Desperation, depression, anxiety, going to extremes, claustrophobia, the need to escape and run away are often seen in people stuck in this basket. Worthlessness and sloth may also dominate, although they can get roused and fired up by something that really grabs them, although they may never finish such a thing. They may also have a lack of concentration, and have the feeling that little can happen to, or for them. They might want to leave anything and everything, and get irritated about little things. The second basket person puts in 100% effort and receives back 30%.


Third Basket

The Third Basket baby can see the light at the end of the womb, and moves purposefully towards it. ‘I will get there’ is its mantra. It is inevitable, and even if you feel resistance, even if you feel a no, it will not dissuade you. You will try and try again because you KNOW you will make it. ‘No’ means nothing, resistance is futile as you WILL move through all resistance with certainty and determination.

The Third Basket person will have to perform good effort to get something in life. They work hard and consistently in any field to achieve moderate success, but they will get it. They make great students, as they pay attention and feel as though he/she understands and receives. They may not be the most talented, but whatever talent they possess they will maximize to its fullest, and market themselves well. They are hard workers, and ones that any boss is happy with. If they are their own boss, they will be their own greatest critic, and will push themselves consistently. They make progress, will be expecting fruits, but are not able to reap the fruits fully. For 100% effort they make 60% gain.


Fourth Basket

This is the way into freedom, by actually coming out of the womb in grace and ease. These births are simple, straightforward and easeful, with natural birthing practices usually employed. There is little struggle, and labour is fast. One friend of mine went into labour in a hospital in the morning and was drinking a cup of tea 3 hours later with her parents in a coffee shop, swaddled baby under arm!

These Fourth Basket people often experience success easily. All good things come to them relatively effortlessly. People and resources are attracted to them, and want to help them. They get what they want by itself, and are asked and approached for things. Grace, ease of life and attraction, the ‘Midas touch’ are the characteristics of the Fourth Basket person. ‘I have’ is its mantra. Soul purpose become manifested and attracted to you from an early age. You live the law of attraction without doing anything at all. It is in fact given to you.

When you are reborn in this way, after moving through and healing the other baskets, it is very tangible, and a lot shifts quite quickly in your life, as the underlying resistance is gone. A new pattern reveals itself, and the old navigation guidelines, charts, maps and tools become obsolete. In this transition period, it is best to wait and see what arises, rather than force anything, as Grace now dictates your life and will give you much more than what you thought possible before as you make the jump from one basket stage to the next.


To reach the Fourth Basket, moving through all the other baskets, entails that you examine, and let go of, all beliefs. That is the journey. The belief that any one needs anything is just that; a belief. This is painful, and can be felt at times in the body, which tries and validates the mind’s reality that it is real and true. Body-mind are one, but it is all controlled by the mind. Once you know this, you become Self responsible, and apply this in every situation. You need nothing. All the things you feel you need, cry out for, yearn for, are beliefs. The actions that make you react unlovingly, escape or react, are also beliefs. They can never be healed, only seen, owned, dismantled and emptied out in your actions. If you feel you need anything, that is the mind and a belief.

You need nothing. Nothing makes you whole. Wholeness is when there is nothing left to need, want or attach to. All is present, and nothing is out of the moment now. Of course you need home, food and shelter. That is not what we are sharing. We are talking about how the mind controls your reality through beliefs that run like an undercurrent through your thinking and emotions. These beliefs stop you from love, and from experiencing love, as there is always a compare and contrast button in any and every belief system. If ‘this’ love belief does not measure up to ‘that’ love belief, then it is not love, or something similar. Beliefs about how things are, or should be, are pervasive and subtle. Love should be like this, look like this, be like how it was with others, be like how it is written in books...etc. Love is much more than that, and expresses itself uniquely for each person. Love has depth, strength. It is the most powerful force in the universe. It can stop people dead in their tracks, it can change worlds in one moment, it can expose beliefs and wounds in one second. It stands by, and works through, light and dark, it weaves its way through all light and all dark, and is the only quality that does so. Love has no reason to it. It goes beyond reason, right or wrong, and love, my friends, is insane.

 It can never be sane to the conditioned mind, as it breaks all laws, busts all boundaries, and cracks open any and all beliefs about what it is, or should be, once it is experienced. Even the expectation of what love should feel like has to go, in order for it to be accepted.

God does not look outside for help, for something to pray to. It rests and abides within itself, and sees what is true or not. It neither needs or grasps, wants nor attaches, but calmly abides within itself. It then enjoys itself in the play of love.

What stops this are beliefs, engrams, structures of belief and rigidified thought forms that have been repeated over many years, even lifetimes, to create grooves in the brain. These grooves then guide all incoming energy, emotion and thought into these patterns, defining your behaviour, responses and reactions. The only way out is to identify the groove, and dissolve it, bringing it back into its original, unformed or smooth state: innocence.

 To Realise Innocence is to be reborn of the Spirit, moving beyond the first birth of the flesh. This takes complete Self Responsibility. By assuming the Kingly mantle of total responsibility, one Realises God, and lives in love. Nothing is outside, and nothing causes you to react in an unloving way, as you KNOW it is you.

This world is made for your reflection. The world is you. You are the world, and all the relations you have; are also you. You are everywhere. There is nowhere you are not. Can you handle that? Everything you feel, everything you react against, all your relations, mirror part of you. In fact, you can say this world was created by you, for you, for your own growth, and eventually your own amusement and joy.

The world has many layers, as do you. Each time you take responsibility for something else in life, even if it is not your own life, the world gets remade. And you are the world.

Taking complete responsibility means taking responsibility for the soul, the spirit, those around you, and eventually the world. This does not have to be a loud, overt, screaming out to the rooftops action. It can be quiet, and equally as effective. To be responsible for those around you does not mean you take away their responsibility, and render them weak and dependent. No.

To be responsible for those around you means that you ask them to also realise they have no holes, graspings, attachments and needs, and that they too are Self responsible. And yet you still take on that responsibility, to point out Truth to them with love, penetrating them deeply, yet with softness. Then the purpose of all relationship, previously based on need, becomes clear. The purpose of all relationship is simply to share and give love, for in loving another you are but loving yourself. Divine selfishness. You constantly are making the One Self feel love and feel good, the One Self that you and all others share. If you are feeling it, then so are others in some way. And yet, you are still Alone, and content by yourself.

As the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad puts it, ‘It is not for the sake of the husband that he is loved, but for ones own sake that he is loved. It is not for the sake of the wife that she is loved, but for ones own sake that she is loved. It is not for the sake of the sons that they are loved, but for ones own sake that they are loved. It is not for the sake of all that all is loved, but for ones own sake that all is loved. The Self, my dear, should be Realised, and it is through hearing, reflection and meditation that Self, and all, is known...

written by Padma Aon Prakasha and published in the Power of Shakti book