Restoration, rejuvenation and incubation are the qualities of Black Light. Black Light is a transmission given from the Womb of the World merged with Galactic Centre. The Human Being is the meeting place, where this transmission takes place. It is a quality of light before the rays of Creation. It is quite simply the deepest and purest form of love, untouched, unspoken without form or name. This transmission opens the doorway to the deepest depths of an empty, silent rest that includes all levels of being. An experience of hibernation, suspended outside time and space, as the black light pours into the cellular memories, DNA matrixes and atomic structures of your being. Within Black light there is no sense of duality, only pure eternal oneness. Black light absorbs any "idea" you may have of wrongness, difficulty or hardship back into its original essence of innocence.

This transmission is the second stage of healing. It is the rebirth, the incubation, and the birth into something new and unknown. This transmission is also ideal for burnout, depression, chronic fatigue or a sense of lostness or grief.